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If you have a VR Headset, you can connect it to your computer now.

You can also use your mobile phone by connecting it to a simple Google Cardboard.

Have a look at this WebVR scene, created using Babylon JS:

When clicking on the VR icon, the scene will be transformed into a Virtual Reality scene.

WebXR (which is just a shorter name for WebVR & WebAR) can be integrated into your WebGL experiences quite easily.

In the case of WebVR - you can allow your users to simply click on a button and change the way they view your 3D scenes, from flat to fully immersive.

With more advanced coding, you can create full WebVR games, right in your browser.

In the case of WebAR - users can click on a button and view the 3D scene "in real life", using their mobile phones.

If your site is viewed on desktop - place a QR code next to the 3D model so users can scan the QR code and experience WebAR with their phones, like in this example:

Scan QR
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